Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Grace... by my sweet sister, Kendall.

My sweet sister and roommate, Kendall, wrote her english paper on grace. I got to reading it this afternoon and was so uplifted by the truth in the words and the beauty of the writing. wanted to share some of it with yall. the entire paper is on her facebook if you get a chance to go read it...CLICK HERE

Grace, five small letters put together to scream mounds of meaning. Grace can be a beautiful dancer quietly and softly prancing around a stage. Grace can be a skater swiftly gliding across the ice as they cautiously watch their every move in hopes that they will not fall. Grace can be a king or queen enthroned with all their beautiful majesty. However, to define the greatest meaning of grace, you must have understanding beyond simple beauty. Grace is beautiful but on a much deeper level than what the plain eye can see. Grace is a free gift, being guilty no more, finding rest in Christ, and accepting His unconditional love and being empowered by His spirit.

Such a gift as grace must be received and accepted. As a believer and follower of Christ, it is often hard for me to accept His grace. I wish I had strength to step out of my comfort zone into the realm of places I am unfamiliar with and take a leap of faith for Christ, to be bold and daring knowing that He is with me. But the devil creeps his slimy way into my mind and spits lies at me telling me I am not good enough, telling me I can never win, he laughs at me while he reminds me of all the times I have tried before and failed. In times like this that’s when the Lord’s mighty voice of truth triumphs over Satan’s wretched lies and reminds me of his grace. He shouts forgiveness and I can then be confident that neither the present or the future, or any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate me from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus my Lord. Therefore, because of this unmatchable love, I can rest assured in Christ because of his deep passion for his children. So I can focus on Jesus and be refreshed, letting His grace fall like a waterfall—rushing, splashing, and rumbling over my world. I try to always keep a humbled heart when drinking from the spring of life. When I am being consumed by this unfailing grace, I am so blessed to be able to watch the renewing droplets glisten in the sunlight before they splash onto my face, my arms, and on to my whole body as it cleanses me.

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